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What keeps you connected to the Divine?

Ashleigh James

I heard a beautiful story of a great saint who could cure lepers of their oozing wounds. 'One day, a very sick man came to the saint and she carefully laid her hands over his gaping wounds, and they each instantaneously healed beneath the touch of her divine hands. However, when she sent him away, she had left one wound untreated. Her devotees questioned her, asking why. Since she clearly had the ability to cure all the wounds, why would she leave one bleeding? Her answer was beautifully apt. She said, 'Because it is that one bleeding wound which will keep him calling out to God.' Our lives are often so busy, with so many errands, meetings, appointments, hobbies, and relationships, we often only take the time to remember our connection to the Divine when we are faced with adversity. Usually it's only then that we double down on our prayers, meditations, and journalling. I know I’m guilty of this! When things are going well, I flow along with life and often let my spiritual practices slip (sleeping late, missing my routine, or cutting my meditations very short!). Bu this is when we should be leaning into these practices the most! When we maintain our spiritual practices daily - journalling, prayers, meditations, visualising - when those aversities inevitably do come up, we are in a spiritually fit condition to meet them. We can move with much more EASEEEE in life. Who doesn’t want to live with more ease? My morning routine is sacred. I take time each morning to connect with Spirit, connect with my true self, ask for guidance, give gratitude, and set intentions for my day. And I use various different types of tools to do this. So, what keeps you connected to Spirit? Don't wait until something bad happens to keep that connection flowing. If you’d like support to set up a morning routine for yourself, reach out and I can help you.

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