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Bali update!

Ashleigh James

I recently went on a trip to Bali to reconnect, recenter and get clarity on a few things happening in my life. And it was the best trip ever!!

The best thing about travelling is the new perspective it brings.

Often we can get so caught up in our little cocoons and the monotony of the day-to-day, that we forget there is so much beauty in the world. There are so many experiences out there waiting for us. So many new friends and places to see.

I know when my head is in my psychology studies, and I’m working, seeing friends, living my daily life, I lose touch with the fact that life is so full of choices.

We are the boss of self, and we have the ability to make choices everyday that align with who we want to be.

My trip to Bali reminded me of this.

It was a trip of pure inner connection for me. Source connection.

And something that filled my cup so high until it was overflowing.

Bali has SUCH magnetic energy to it. It is a very powerful place. The origin of the word Bali actually means ‘Offering’. It’s an offering of ourselves to Spirit/Universe/God, whatever word you want to use.

And I offer myself to the magic of that place.

You are the creator of your story, you get to choose how the story unfolds.

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