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Hello beautiful

I'm a Holistic Therapist and Nutritionist, and my gift is in the facilitation of healing and transformation for others.


So many young women are feeling the call to understand themselves more deeply,  to reconnect and rebuild their relationship with their body, to heal from past traumas, to develop and connect more with their spirituality.


They want more self-love, more confidence, a better relationship with food, and to break free from past stories and traumas to live a more conscious, connected and joyful life.

I emphasise so deeply addressing both the source of limiting beliefs and specific blockages, and also offering you practical tools that lead to breakthrough transformations so you can heal, find your self confidence, be deeply rooted in your feminine spirit, align to your truth and create a life that truly lights you up.


My therapy and coaching blends psychology, nutrition and lifestyle principles, to give you practical strategies to support you on your journey of transformation and healing.

Beach Yoga


My coaching combines psychology, science, nutrition, spiritual principles and practical strategies to help you  

heal and thrive. 



Over 12 weeks we look at every single area of your life to up-level it. We dive deep into your conscious and subconscious blocks, fears, beliefs and dreams, and transform all parts of your life so you can finally live in alignment with your true feminine spirit. Trauma from your childhood? We work through it. Don't know what your purpose is? We find it. Low self-worth? We build it - together. Working 1:1 you have unparalleled access to me in between sessions - I am here for you to support your transformation.


1:1 Coaching & Therapy


Not ready to commit to Soulful Transformation? Book a single therapy/coaching session and let's get specific about what you'd like to change.


Image by Alexandru Tudorache

I've just finished Ashleigh's program, amazing! I realised that I am separate from my emotions and my underlying beliefs, which was huge for me. I no longer feel helpless against them. Ashleigh introduced me to several tools to help me master my emotions and not let them consume me and to change my beliefs that no longer serve me.I now have more self-awareness and less of a victim mentality about daily life. I have a stronger commitment to my morning ritual, more inner strength and more clarity.  


Image by Alexandru Tudorache

I found self love and peace with things I wasn’t even aware I struggled with. I had some tough sessions but Ashleigh was there every step of the way, even outside my sessions. She even followed up when I was too shy to say otherwise. She is an excellent reader and tapped into things that brought me into awareness. I opened myself up to finding strength in vulnerability and peace with my hidden pain.

Image by Alexandru Tudorache

"Beautiful Ashleigh,

What an amazing journey this was! When I joined your course I was unsure what to expect. What I knew was, that I felt the need to heal, re-connect to myself and look at those hidden barriers that keep me small and unfulfilled. I feel more clear and aligned with myself. I am looking forward to reach my goals and I know I can use one of your amazing tools to help me keep going if I get stuck. I highly recommend this course. This is life changing. Thank you so very much for your devotion to your magnificent work!"




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